
New To You Workshop

We are having our first What Not To Wear Workshop/Party this coming Tuesday. We are really looking forward to it as we just love to talk about dressing style, makeup and hair. We always have fun making suggestions to customers about the best look for their lifestyle and body type. We try to be kind and diplomatic - really we do. Usually, our honesty pays off as our lovely customers leave with smiles on their faces and good reports later on about how great they feel in what they are wearing.

Wylie and Arianne had a great time dressing up in some outfits that are "what not to wear" - The outfits are NOT pictured here. If you would like to see them in their "what not to wear" glory, please stop by the shop and we will be happy to show them too you. Eek, I was scared.

Luckily, Sookie from Perfect Endings will be joining us to give some thoughts about updating your current look with highlights, cut etc., as well as a representative from Nordstrom's Bobbi Brown counter coming to provide makeup suggestions for spring as well as taking "pre-orders". There will be champagne, something to nibble on, as well as a couple of door prizes. Space is limited so we are taking names over the phone as well as on line. If you are interested in coming this time or at another date do let us know and we will put you on the list for future workshops.